The Midlife Magic + Mayhem Podcast
The Midlife Magic and Mayhem Podcast provides a place for women over 40 to enter and play with the common feeling, “What now?” in the areas of health and wellness, sex and relationships, career, life transitions, spirituality and modern eldership.
The invitation this show provides is to see midlife as a threshold, a place to walk through, questioning what we’ve been trained to believe in order to live from our own intuitive wisdom. These conversations will offer the perspective of midlife as a window of opportunity to evolve and blossom into the unique, Well, radiant woman that is at the core of her being.
A curious curator and mentor, Angie Byrd walks with her listeners, side by side, on the path of feeding the well, wise, wild woman in us all…creating a delicious marriage of magic and mayhem along the way.
28. How a Fifth of a Pencil Changed Thousands of Lives with Jackson Kaguri, founder of Nyaka
Today’s episode is incredibly special. . .and magical. It may seemingly step outside the domain of women in midlife creating magic and mayhem…but just wait.
I often say, if you ever doubt the life-changing impact one person can have, meet Jackson Kaguri.
Jackson is the founder of Nyaka, an organization which provides community-based solutions to address the needs of orphaned and vulnerable children in rural southwestern Uganda. Nyaka surrounds each child with a comprehensive support system. This consists of interrelated programs such as education, health care and housing, developed and led by the community, where children are nurtured and protected so they can learn, grow, and thrive.
In 2019, I ran the NYC Marathon to raise money for Nyaka and it was one of the highlights of my life…
27. How to Change Your Relationship to Time
This is another solo, unscripted episode:
I've been feeling unmoored of late -- perhaps from all the moving, menopausal hormones and stage of life. I've also been feeling the pressure of time. Like I live with a clock over my head, quietly - and sometimes loudly - signaling that time is ticking. I've somewhat lost sight and let go of the practices that I know bring me back to harmony and my Center. This wasn't a conscious decision. It's one of those things that just...happens.
So I've started going back up to my studio in the mornings. Most recently, I started a short course in the Insight Timer app (get it if you don't have it!) called Timelessness.
I've always had an intellectual understand of Time being an illusion -- but I'm not sure my nervous system got the message.
This episode is a sharing of the 3 questions from a recent meditation from that course that caused a major shift in my awareness. What came through made such an impact I want to share it with you here.
26. Fine is a 4-Letter Word with Lori Saitz
I have an issue with the word fine when it’s used in the context of answering the question, “How are you?” We typically say…fine. How about let’s be more accurate and specific in answering that question. Or better yet, how about you are way MORE than just “fine?”
Today on the podcast, I speak with Lori Saitz.
Lori is the founder and CEO of Zen Rabbit and host of the podcast “Fine is a 4-Letter Word.” An award-winning author, speaker, and broadcaster, Lori is on a mission to teach the world to be calm and grounded no matter what’s going on.
High achievers come to her because they have a strong drive to be productive, but at the end of the day never feel accomplished enough. As a nationally recognized gratitude and meditation expert, Lori guides those entrepreneurs and business leaders from stressed and chaotic to peaceful and focused and shows them how to live a sabbatical life. Then they start seeing sales increase, relationships strengthen, and overall health improve.
25. SOLO: Licking Life & The Importance of Experiential Learning
This week is another solo episode. I really like doing these. It gives me a chance to not only have an – what feels like – intimate conversation with you, but a few moments of reflection with myself.
Today I set up a piece I wrote almost 4 years ago on the heels of one of the most transformational experiences of my life.
At the core, it’s about the importance of experiential learning.
Of course, reading books and listening to a bajillion podcasts is really helpful and informative for gaining knowledge. I've listened to a bajillion podcasts and love them so much I started my own!
But there is NOTHING, like taking a risk and putting yourself into an experience that has the possibility to change your life.
Getting yourself out of the way of what may be uncomfortable, to open up to what your life could be like on the other side of that discomfort and fear.
That's what this episode -- and really this show -- is about.
Enjoy the show and listen to the end because I have a special announcement for you.
24. How to Improve Brain Fog, Memory and Mood with Allison Liu
When you get to be our age, the health of your brain becomes a little more…noticeable. Looking for your deodorant in the refrigerator. Walking out of one room to get something and when you get to the next room where the thing is supposed to be, you can’t remember what it was you came into that room for.
Just me? No probably not.
Well, Today’s conversation is with Allison Liu, a brain health coach and expert in helping women reclaim their mental sharpness and improve their energy and mood. Allison herself struggled with brain fog and panic attacks in her early 50s. Forgetting what she was saying in the middle of saying it, finding it hard to express herself and feeling increasingly irritable, she felt she was losing her sense of self. Adopting a science-based approach, which she uses with her clients today, she increased her own ‘brain reserve’, improving her memory, mood and relationships. She now coaches women in their 40s and beyond to achieve the same so that they can handle life’s challenges with ease, face the future with confidence, and fully engage in life at work and at home.
Her mission: Staying sharp for life.
23. How to Have an Unstoppable 30-Year Relationship with my husband, Scott Byrd
Hi friends. Today we have a very special guest on the show. My husband of 28 years, Scott.
We sat down in our dining room with no real agenda, turned on the camera and just started talking. Raw, organic, unscripted. A behind the scenes inside our marriage.
This is real-time conversation touching on the question we get asked the most: “How do you do it? How do you have such a great relationship after 30 years of being together?”
22. Why We Are Aging Out Loud with Katie Fogarty
This week on the podcast I am joined by Katie Fogarty. Katie is the host of A Certain Age – an age-positive podcast that helps you live your best evolving midlife and that celebrates women who are aging out loud. She is also the creator of the Instagram community AGE OUT LOUD (@letsageoutloud) that spotlights women reimagining midlife.
A former journalist turned career coach, Katie’s day job helping executives create strong LinkedIn profiles has taught her that not everyone is up for owning their age. She created A Certain Age to shift the dated narrative that aging makes you irrelevant.
21. Now IS The Time to be Full of Ourselves with Nada Jones
“You can’t be what you can’t see.” That quote is at the core of the mission of Liberty Road and what drives founder Nada Jones to share stories of female artists, founders, innovators and creatives, so you are able to see what’s possible for your future.
Since 2000, Nada has worked alongside female founders. From starting an online co-op of emerging designers and co-authoring an Amazon small-business best-seller to creating conferences, workshops, and consulting women-owned businesses, she has made it her business to empower women. Twenty years of listening and serving has given Nada a unique insight into what women are looking for to thrive. Today she is focused on inspiring and equipping women in the middle third of life. Armed with curiosity, experience, and empathy, Nada hosts the LIBERTY ROAD podcast and is expanding the LIBERTY ROAD media platform to include live and digital programming and digital content.
This is a delightful conversation about shifting, pivoting, and just doing the thing – whether it be writing that book, starting a business, asking for a promotion, taking that painting class or whatever it is that is burning inside you to do in the world – you can do it.